

Joined Sep 2012
    miami1191 reviewed Spa Excess
    Over a year ago

    Where have all the great men gone!???

    Where have all the great men gone!??? I have been living away from Toronto for the last 20 years and have now returned to find that it is next to impossible to find any and I mean any good looking gay men in this city. I was at this establishment 4 times in the last 5 week on different days and different times with the hope that the clients would be varied but no such luck! I have no problem with a very diverse culture but where do I find an attractive men in Toronto?

    miami1191 reviewed Steamworks Baths
    Over a year ago

    Where have all the great men gone!???

    Where have all the great men gone!??? I have been living away from Toronto for the last 20 years and have now returned to find that it is next to impossible to find any and I mean any good looking gay men in this city. I was at this establishment 4 times in the last 5 week on different days and different times with the hope that the clients would be varied but no such luck! I have no problem with a very diverse culture but where do I find an attractive men in Toronto?