bears News and Photos

bear brotherhood

Redditors share the best gay bear events in Europe this summer

party haus

PHOTOS: Boys in speedos braved Provincetown’s wintry waters at Polar Bear Plunge

Top 20 gay circuit parties and festivals in August

PHOTOS: Bears, otters, and cubs strip down to their pelts at Provincetown Bear Week

Where the bears are

PHOTOS: Meet the burly bears of Bearracuda

Come out of hibernation at these travel-worthy bear parties across the globe

PHOTOS: “I’ve never felt more at ease around gay men as I have felt at Lazy Bear”

Five swimwear brands for bigger men and bears

‘Sit On My Face’ fundraiser helps San Francisco gay bar survive pandemic

16 photos of bear beauty at BeefDip in Mexico’s Puerto Vallarta

Party haus

PHOTOS: A look back at bears around the world at Bearracuda

Big and beefy

Meet the men of London’s most fun-packed bears night