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Around the world, traveling gays wanna know the best places to eat, drink, stay and play.

Our listings cover friendly businesses in over 220 of the world’s smallest towns and biggest cities. By writing reviews on, you help members know the best places in the word to stay (or not).

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Below we’ve compiled just a few great member reviews to show off what your fellow travelers and locals are saying.

Botanic Bar Cafe — Barcelona, Spain

“Botanic is so damn adorable! The bartenders can GET IT and it is one of the only bars that has a total judge free vibe. The outside patio is also super cute.” – RaviRoundTheWorld

Playa Del Carmen — Cancun, Mexico

“If you like to party this is the place to be from the most amazing nightclubs, beach bars to the entertainment of Coco Bongo. The majority of all bars are mixed unless you go to the Club 69 or a strip club, but be aware that strip means completely nude.” – StevenLaChance

Scandal’s Tavern — Portland, Oregon

“Scandals continues to set the bar high as one of Portland’s best LGBTQ+ destinations. For all its history and for its welcoming fun atmosphere, Scandals continues to be a must experience for people visiting Portland to connect with new and old Portlanders.” – bgerritz

Island House — Key West, Florida

“This place is AWESOME!! THE place to relax, be yourself, and really you never have to leave. Heated pool and 24 hour restaurant and bar next to the pool. Lot’s of naked men and such friendly staff. LOVE IT!” – swohiom4m

Grotta Bar at Local186 — Provincetown, Massachusetts 

“This feels like an urban hole in the wall even in this resort town. We went and there was a bunch of drunk broadway types (total messes) doing karaoke that were a blast to watch. Worth a fun stop for a drink or two.” – Scott

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