

Joined Feb 2010
20 Followers 3 Following
    justinboyd reviewed Kaliente
    7 months ago

    They charge a cover...ha ha ha ha! So funny...

    I can't get over how bars think people should pay a cover to so that you can go in and spend your money on their WAY OVERPRICED drinks...this place is busy but not welcoming, the drinks are weak and expensive, the staff act like uneducated zombies, and the clientele is either prissy, drag queen wanna bes or thug wannabes. skip it.

    justinboyd reviewed Hank's Bar
    7 months ago

    This is the place to go for sex!(and cheap beer)

    I am only 29yo and travel for work all across the country, every older bar I go to people always tell me :you should have been here in the 70's and 80's anything went" well nothing has changed at Hanks! (including the decor) This is the hands down funnest bar I have ever been to! Outside is a sign that reads "this is a gay bar, if homosexuality offends you then you should drink elsewhere) They only serve beer (and wine I think) but everyone is friendly, overly friendly. There are two bathrooms, one for massive orgy sex and a private one for actually using the bathroom. Awesome patio that is large with a lot of hidden places to... have fun. I never left unhappy! I was nervous cause some of the reviews said it was all old guys, and 98% is, but each time I went there were at least 10 guys 20 to 30 including myself, and there was always that occasional really hot. Great anything goes bar! Loved it!

    justinboyd reviewed Charlie's Denver
    1 year ago

    I'm still looking for a good Denver bar...

    Been here now three times and each time its the same thing, bartenders that act like they are too lazy to want to do their jobs, 28ish year olds wearing make up trying to look 20, and (on karioke night) str8 people that get drunk and loud. Everytime I have been its been the drugged out looking undesirables or some people that I am pretty sure were homeless. It seems like Denver has two types of bars, snobby, pretentious wanna be queens, or drug-induced street trash, can someone please suggest just a bar where you can get good, friendly service, nice normal people to talk with, a hook up if you want but without being molested,...does that exist here?

    justinboyd reviewed Bamboo Lounge first review First to Review
    Over a year ago

    Great Dive Bar, friendly people.

    The people here were so friendly that I wish I had found this bar on my first night of my 3 night stay. I went twice and each time everyone talked with me. The bartenders were friendly and attentive, drink prices are great. The patio is cruisy which is always a plus. While most of the men are 38 plus, there were a handful of us younger guys scattered about. While the building is old it is still comfortable. Jukebox selection is good. I will go back next time I am in town.

    justinboyd reviewed Tulsa Eagle
    Over a year ago

    Not too bad for Tulsa

    I went here twice, once on Friday at about 8pm. Tulsa, I have found, is a late city, there were only a handful of people inside. The drinks are inexpensive and the staff friendly but not overly friendly. The patrons of the bar stared ALOT, which I kind of like, but no one was friendly enough or brave enough to speak to me, just stare. Until I was leaving and then one guy got up the nerve to say "you leaving? You're hot." The next time I went was again on Friday about 11pm and the bar was packed. The crowd was mixed but definitly dominated by bears. Which is cool becuae that's the type of bar it is. Still, the patrons were stand offish and just stared. I'm a talker so it wasn't long before I engaged others in conversation though. The bar itself is relatively small, small dance floor, dimly lit, but still comfortable. Not bad for a visit but I was hoping it would be more cruisey for an Eagle.

    justinboyd reviewed Albuquerque Social Club
    Over a year ago

    Really surprised.

    I went on a Tuesday for Karaoke and there were probably 70 plus people in. Friendly clientele, a handful of cute guys and men and women of all ages. Not as cruisey as I like but all in all it was a fun night with inexpensive drinks and good people.

    justinboyd reviewed Club Argos first review First to Review
    Over a year ago

    Drinks are cheap, that's about it.

    There are only two clubs in Augusta as of now, so if you have to go to one this would be it. The other don't bother. I was visiting for three days on a weekend and was told this was a high energy dance club. Uummm, yeah, not so much. It is actually two bars, downstairs they play dance music, charge a cover most nights and no one is there. Upstairs is more like a dive bar and there is no cover on weeknights but they expect you to pay $6 on Friday and Saturday, I'm not sure why. The bar doesn't open until 8pm and got decently busy around 10:30 everynight. The drinks are cheap and good but the bartenders lack the attention to get them to you quickly so you may have to wait for 5 or more minutes. The crowd is diverse with all ages and types. The building is old and small but does the job. Other than the cover and slow bartenders, i would say it's worth checking out. Cruisy level was ok on the weekends. I didn't find out until I was leaving that about 25 miles away across the stae line in Aiken SC, there is a gay bar called Marlboro Station that I am told is really good but I did not get to check it out. The other bar in Augusta called The filling Station, well, just skip it, just FYI.

    justinboyd reviewed The Filling Station first review First to Review
    Over a year ago

    Skip it...

    This club is only open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 8pm til 2am and for good reason. I was there each night, the only clientele comes from the gay hotel next door (see my review on it) called the Parliment house. Well, actually, the clientele comes from the campground behind the hotel. Each night the only people inside was the 12 or so guys that live or visit the campground. All over 50, which is fine, but they aren't really bears, more like retirees. They stay for a couple of drinks and then leave. They all live beside each other so they tend to sit together and the then the bar is empty for the rest of the night. The bar itself is very, very small, having been a converted two bay garage. It is one small room with the bar along one wall, so there are no cubby holes or dark corners. You have to go outside and around the corner as the bathrooms are located outside, like they always use to be on old gas stations. There is a nice big patio out back. The drinks are cheap but weak. The bartender is extra friendly and attentive. That is abou the only good thing I can say about this place.

    justinboyd reviewed Parliament Resort Of Augusta
    Over a year ago

    Scary...and not in a good way.

    Having stayed at cruisy gay hotels like Parliment House Orlando, The Flamingo in St. Petes, Habana Inn in Oklahoma City and even the Cheshire in Atlanta, I had high hopes for this place. The rooms are reasonably priced and though dated they are clean. I got really excited when I found out there was a building with a maze, steamroom, porn room, private booths, orgy rooms and tons of glory holes. There is even a building known as the pig pen with slings and a watersports room. But sadly, that is where the good part of my review ends. There is a campground behind and woned by the hotel, apparently people live there year round and that is the majority of the clientele. I was there three nights on what was supposedly a "good" weekend but all I saw was men over 50, noi in good shape and not in the least bit attractive, and it was the same men everynight. There is a huge fence up around the place and a private gate, the public has to pay to get in if they are not staying there and I think that is the biggest drawback. At the other gay resort hotels, the public was allowed to walk in and cruise which brought guys of all ages, shapes and sizes in on a constant basis, especially "straight" guys who did not want to be seen any more than possible. Here you have to go into the office, fill out paperwork and pay $10 to cruise. The building with the maze and orgy room is so dark that you literally can not see what is in front of you. I actually ran into guys and walls. There is zero light. I am not sure how anyone could have sex in that place. It was creepy, not cool and there was almost zero heat. There is a bar next door owned by the hotel but sadly, it to was only occupied by the same 12 guys that live/or visit the campground behind the hotel. So I went to the other gay bar in town, met a hot bi guy in town for the night, tried to bring him back to my hotel room at the Parliment and guess what? They would not let him come back to my room unless he paid a $10 membership and filled out paperwork to get into the grounds.My entire stay there I saw maybe 15 people at once on the weekend nights, but it was the same people as the other nights, usually there is just one or two guys wondering the grounds. Sad to say this place has potential but don't waste your money.

    justinboyd reviewed Atlanta Eagle
    Over a year ago

    Skip it...

    I was here on a Friday night, after 10pm, what is advertised as a hard core leather bar is actually older, overweight men, who sometimes come out in leather, but mostly are just in jeans and t-shirts. Don;t get me wrong, nothing wrong with this type, it's just that no one there was the least bit masculine, as a matter of fact, they were all down right feminine. The bar has a lot of nooks and crannies and is spread out pretty good, but there was no cruising going on while I was there and only about 12 people. The drink prices are expensive, but hey, welcome to Atlanta. I say skip it.

    justinboyd reviewed 212 Club first review First to Review
    Over a year ago

    Large bar, but not friendly clientele...

    People here all seem to know each other and no one really talked to strangers, except for the really hot door guy who tried to pick me up. It was a Saturday night and the crowd didn't start coming in until almost 10pm. By 11:30 it was pretty packed. Drink prices are reasonable but again, just a so so, hum drum kind of vibe.

    justinboyd reviewed The R and R first review First to Review
    Over a year ago

    I don't think this is a gay bar...

    It was a small dive bar, but I don't think any of the patrons were gay on the Friday night I was here. Kind of stand offish crowd as well. I say skip it, especially if you're looking for a "good time."

    justinboyd reviewed FLEX Spas (Flexbaths)
    Over a year ago

    Best bathouse i have been to in my travels.

    I travel all over the US for my job and always make it a point to see if there is a bathhouse in whatever city I am in. This was probably my fifth time visiting Flex and I always have a good time. The same hot guys you see out at the bars in Atlanta who pretend they are too good to talk to anyone, are here and sucking cock. And ofcourse, there are a lot of travelers from out of town. I always leave happy, multiple times. Usually best to go after 8pm but I have been on both weekdays and weekends and it seems to always have a good crowd flowing in and out.

    justinboyd reviewed Manifest 4U
    Over a year ago

    Worth it...

    While it wasn't too crowded when I went, on a Friday at midnight till about 1:30 am, there was a total of about 20 guys in and out. The price was reasonable and there are plenty of private rooms with locks and beds and various furnishings, tons of glory holes, good porn playing and a maze to cruise in. It's pretty dark and there are computers with wifi to use and a smoking lounge. I like this place because, unlike bathhouses, if you are looking for something quick, you can go in without taking your clothes off, get off and leave.

    justinboyd reviewed The Heretic Atlanta
    Over a year ago

    Good bar...

    The staff was very friendly to a newcomer. The bartender bought me shots and the coat check guy kept me company as one guy after another flirted with me.I went three times during my stay and it was always a late crowd, after 10:30pm. I did not see any crusising going on in the back hallway, sad to say, as I was looking for it. There is a cover at 10pm on the weekends and the bar is closed Sundays. Worth checking out for sure, not as pretentious a clientele as other Atlanta bars and it's close to the sex clubs on Faulkner.

    justinboyd reviewed Blake's On The Park
    Over a year ago

    Great if you like feeling like a sardine...

    Tight,, cramped, surrounded by pretentious queens trying to get a glimpse of really bad drag queens. Drinks are strong but pricey, like all of Atlanta. Not sure why there are so many people at this bar, bu there is, too crowded to be comfortable or to even have a conversation. Tried it twice and wasn't impressed.

    justinboyd reviewed Boyztown
    Over a year ago

    Update of my last reviewGeorge W. Bush of gay bars

    So I gave this place two more tries, it proved consistently worse each time. I will not be back again. What a disgusting place, and I'm not hard to please.over the top expensive drink prices, please go elsewhere, what a waste...

    justinboyd reviewed Tracks
    Over a year ago

    Nice set up but too far away and only good for a dance or two...

    Go for a dance or two, unless they are charging a cover,(who does that anymore) but it is so far away from the other gay bars in town. The building is set up nice, but again, it's only good for dancing, not somewhere to chat or just have a drink or even hook up.

    justinboyd reviewed M Uptown
    Over a year ago

    Skip this place....

    Just go to Chili's or TGIFridays, basically the same place, but Mary's is rude, the staff is unattractive and not friendly at all, and the clientele is just waiting for JR's to open down the street. They have repopened the bar attached to this restaurant and it is not even worth a stop in.

    justinboyd reviewed Denver Wrangler
    Over a year ago


    You will find my original review below, I have been to this bar 3 more times since my last review, and it gets worse everytime. Horribly, unfriendly staff, smae clientele everytime, and just nothing special. The drinks are pricey in comparsion to the other bars in the area. Skip it. Disinterested bar tenders. clickish crowd, $4 for a warm draft beer that was stale, I couldn't finish that nasty beer fast enough to get out of there. They play one country song then one pop song. Not going back!

    justinboyd reviewed Max, The
    Over a year ago

    Yes! Yes! Yes!

    I have traveled all across the country for work and try to stop in as many gay bars as possible and give an honest (and sometimes harsh) opinion. But I have to say, this place is so far, the best bar I have been to. While I'm not Nebraskas biggest fan, other bars in the counrty could learn something from the Max. It has a lounge feel in one part, with the most comfortable, upholstered, high backed barstools I have ever seen in a gay bar, then there is an awesome dance floor and (on a Wednesday) the DJ was playing some great mixes, not just all the crap you hear on the radio, but actually good music from the past mixed in with today's top 40's. The outside patio is large and beautifully landscaped complete with a fountain. There were two other parts to the bar that were not open tonight, one part called the disco. The bartender, named Hugh, was probably the most welcoming bartender I have ever met. The clientele was literally all ages. You had a few preteintious queens but that's anywhere you go, for the most part, people were extremely nice considering I was a stranger. There was an upstairs area to get away from everything...this was a great experience for me and has somewhat renewed my faith in gay bars! Very upscale, trendy but without the attitude...

    justinboyd reviewed Flixx Video Bar
    Over a year ago

    Great place...

    This bar is nice, decor, staff and people are all very nice. The place isn't as small as I expected from reading other reviews but I could see how it would get cramped, its not a dance bar, its more of a lounge type, place to relax and talk, they have great sofa and chair areas, fireplace, tables, a nice relaxing atmosphere,....I will definitly go back my next time in town...

    justinboyd reviewed Pumping Station
    Over a year ago

    Great, old time cruise bar..

    Small bar, but great all ages crowd, great bartenders, very welcoming to newcomers and oh...check out the tree house in the back...When I travel thru I will stop everytime!

    justinboyd reviewed Sue Ellen's
    Over a year ago

    I had a great time here...and I'm a guy!

    Everyone kept telling me that Sue Ellen's is a lesbian bar and not to go. Guess what, it is, but there was alot of guys there and most of them were hot! The bar itself is amazingly designed and decorated. The place was spottless. They had a live performer upstairs, some really hot gay singer guy and it was a real nice change of pace from dragqueens and fussy, stuck up gay boys. Everyone here was friendly and welcoming...great time, great place!

    justinboyd reviewed Tin Room
    Over a year ago

    This place is a joke!!!

    Really? gGay strippers who try to pretend they are st8 because they can use that as an excuse not to do anything with the nasty, old men there, which is the only clientele there, besides the occasional desperate queen. What I found really funny, is that the strippers would try to have a fake accent and pretend that they were from Switzerland or somewhere, it was priceless. That and all the drugs floating around was pretty scary. I gave it three tries and it was more pathetic each time...i travel all over the country and strip bars always are the worst...

    justinboyd reviewed Station 4
    Over a year ago

    Where to begin about this place...

    Ok, first, the only good thing about this bar is the building itself, multi level, great seperated spaces, well decorated...now charge to get into this great space (a cover charge? to give you my money? to buy your drinks?)Hire the worst, unfriendliest door people and bartenders you can find. Make sure they don't know how to mix drinks and jack the price up three times. Then,just to make it better (worse) advertise to the most undesirable, bulimic twinks you can find. But they have a huge dance floor, right? Sure do, and the so called DJ plays the most generic premixed cds he could get off the internet...really? REALLY? Three times while I was in Dallas I was convinced to go here and three times I thought, what a waste of what could have been a great bar...

    justinboyd reviewed BJ's NXS
    Over a year ago

    Another wanna be bar...

    ...wants to be but failing. They did a great job with the decor in such a tight space, but they broke the bar up so much and made the space even smaller. The staff are horrible and unfriendly, they way overcharge for drinks, and the clientele are the snobby wanna bes who were not accepted at JR's...

    justinboyd reviewed Pub Pegasus
    Over a year ago

    Gimme a break, here's an honest review...

    I don;t live in Dallas and travel all over, I was warned about this place ahead of time, but most times, if someone tells me I won't like a place, I wind up loving it...gave this place a chance twice, never again. Not an "all ages" or "slighty older crowd" but a so old you should not be out of the nursing home crowd. That's cool though, it's their bar, but don;t be misleading in your post. The drink prices are just like all the others in Dallas, overpriced, both times, I left before I even finished my drink, and I never leave a drink...

    justinboyd reviewed The Mining Company
    Over a year ago

    where all the people who couldn't get laid...

    ...at the other bars, goes at closing time to meet other people who couldn't get laid. Watch out for all the drugs...and whatever you do, don't touch anything in this sticky place...

    justinboyd reviewed JR's Bar and Grill
    Over a year ago

    Generic, feels like I'm drinking at Chilis....

    This is the 3rd JR's I have been to on my travels, and they kept true to keeping them all the same, which is bad, because I could swear I'm at TGIFridays, I'm suprised the bartenders aren't wearing any flair. The crowd was that type of crowd that wanted to be at "the place to be" so funny to watch their make up run as they had to go outside on the upstairs patio to smoke in the Dallas heat. There are always a few nice, normal people mixed in, but all in all, this is one of those cookie cutter bars you can just pass on by and go to a real gay bar down the street. Nothing special here...

    justinboyd reviewed Round-Up Saloon
    Over a year ago

    A good place to dance...

    ...but it's either really dead or really crowded, and the country vibe quickly changes to playing britney spears? on the weekends...still, all in all, its worth a drink or two as you move on to the next bar...

    justinboyd reviewed Hidden Door
    Over a year ago

    YES! YES! YES!

    I love this bar! During my stay in Dallas, I tried almost all the other bars, some were ok, some were awful, but finally, a bar in Dallas with OUTSTANDING drink prices. For some reason Dallas is one of those places that think they can overcharge for drinks. Now the main reason I went here is because I heard it was a great cruising place, and yes it is. I'm 29yo, and met guys here from 22yo to 40yo (even though there are older than that here) Sundays are busiest, but while I was in Dallas, I went maybe 15 times or more. I will be back next time I come through. The bartenders are friendly and beyond helpful and welcoming to newcomers! Thanks for finally showing me a great bar in Dallas!

    justinboyd reviewed Panoptikon
    Over a year ago

    Club Not!

    It's so funny how Latin clubs think they can get away with charging a cover. In a city with this many bars...not gonna happen, but for my review as I travel the country, I checked this bar out twice, both times on weekend nights. Expensive cover, a bunch of undesirables standing around looking confused. There was maybe 15 people both times. The bar is run down, the patio is creepy. Not worth the time or money...

    justinboyd reviewed Dallas Eagle
    Over a year ago

    Just ok, but there are better places...

    Out of the four Eagles I have been to, this one is still pretty lame. The men are mostly submissive bottoms, which works out well for me, but I'm only 29, if an older guy is gonna hit on me, I want a man, not a nelly, hairy queen in leather...drink prices are expensive because they think Dallas is a real city...they are trying though and its a good place to go laugh at people when you are drunk, other than that, there are much better bars...

    justinboyd reviewed The Brick Bar
    Over a year ago

    What a joke...

    First, they are in this cheesy little shopping strip, and when the customers from the italian restaurant next door leaves, the bar ropes off all the parking places and tries to charge you for "valet" parking, lol, Thanks buddy, I can park myself in this huge parking lot, seeing as there is no other customers in your bar. COVER CHARGE? ha ha ha ha, in Dallas, TX? lmao!!! Riiight, no. Just this one time to check it out. Lets see, it's Friday night at 11pm and there are maybe 10 people here? And you cut the place up so you could have multiple bars which just made everything little and cramped and akward. Please, I'm heading to a real bar.

    justinboyd reviewed The New Boot Rack Saloon first review First to Review
    Over a year ago

    Good happy hour prices is the only good thing...

    ...that I can say about this bar. During my stay in Jacksonville i went here three times, once on a Thursday and then a Friday and Saturday. The bar never got busy. I kept being told by the bartender it was a late night crowd, but it doesn't get any later than closing. The clientele was obnoxious, undesirables and the bar itself left alot to be desired. The entire bar, from the employees to the customers were all just a sad, gay mess.

    justinboyd reviewed Compound
    Over a year ago

    So far so good...

    I have only been once so far since I got to Denver, but plan on going back and will update my review. Great drink prices, way friendly bartenders and a great mixed, friendly crowd! I had a great time and plan on going again tomorrow!

    justinboyd reviewed Denver Swim Club
    Over a year ago


    Was worried about spending $30 (one day pass+locker) but it was well worth it. No need to rent a room as there are plenty of nooks and crannies to play in as well as an "open room" anyone can use. Glory holes galore and there was every type of guys from muscle colleg boys, skinny twinks to bears. Needless to say I left happy and I am picky. Great steam room and hot tub for just relaxing, been twice...sure I will be a 3rd time before I leave Denver...

    justinboyd reviewed Econolodge Downtown
    Over a year ago

    Horrible! Don't let them know your gay...

    ...if they find out your gay, like if you mention Charlies sent you over, all of a sudden they are booked. Outrageous prices for an econo lodge. Check 11th ave hotel on Broadway,or Holiday Chalet B&B on Colfax...

    justinboyd reviewed Flamingo Resort
    Over a year ago

    Stayed here for three nights and...

    ...while the rooms are nice, they are overpriced considering that there is never anyone at the bar. All three nights, including friday and theme nights, the bar had maybe six people (and not quality people) The restaurant has really good food and at nice prices, but the restaurant is seperated from the bar, so you have to fight and beg for a waiter. The staff was friendly, but I was hoping for a place where I could have a great time at a bar and not have to drive...this was not it...don't expect Prliment House or Habana Inn, because this place is neither...

    justinboyd reviewed Parliament House
    Over a year ago

    i have mixed feelings but...

    I stayed at the hotel, which isn't dirty but isn't clean, but clean enough that I wasn't worried about leaving with crabs. There are always cute guys (and nasty ones) cruising the grounds hoping to be invited into your room. The bars I have mixed feeling about. I don't like paying a cover to spend my money at a place. That is just stupid. And the drinks are WAY over price. They hire bartenders that pretend to be str8. The strippers will let you touch and see for money, but you know strippers never put out (for free) But I always find a really hot guy (or three) to bring back to my room so i can;t really complain can I? Weekend nights are just way too busy to really enjoy tho...but some folks like that...good music, huge dancefloor, camp drag was a nice and funny change from a regular ole drag show!

    justinboyd reviewed Barcodes Orlando
    Over a year ago

    Good bar...patio action makes it great.

    Great beer and drink prices (finally!) The inside of the bar is small, but the people and bartenders were friendly, The patio is great though! I went three times while I was in Orlando and got lucky all three times. I wasn't even trying, wasn't even expecting it, and the guys were hot that were crusing the patio. You still get your undesirables, but that's all bars, and was really expecting more out of underwear night other than six old guys sitting around in underwear that is two sizes too small, maybe if the bar would give a better deal to get in your underwear (.50cents off a drink?) more people would participate. But if you want a cheap drink and a quick hook up, check it out...

    justinboyd reviewed Southern Nights TAMPA
    Over a year ago

    Skip it!

    Even on the busy weekend night when they don;t charge a cover, this place feels like a wannabe bar, the people are mostly 20 to 30 somethings that are on drugs, no kidding, the three times I went I was offered something by someone each time, the bartenders are the unfriendliest I have ever met on my travels, no parking! The music is stuff that no one has ever heard of, and downstairs at the the so called Eagle, its even worse, it is not a real Eagle, I can tell you that. $5 cover some nights and way over the top drink prices to hang out in a dark, wanna be club full of druggies who aren't even attractive. Skip it, there are plenty of bars that don't charge a cover.

    justinboyd reviewed Body Shop
    Over a year ago

    Not worth the time...

    The bar is clean but has never been busy the 3 times I went. The bartenders are not friendly, the handfull of customers that are there aren't really welcoming. Not a hook up place and not a good hang out place, feels like a cold, generic bar, hard to explain...but not good.

    justinboyd reviewed City Side
    Over a year ago

    Fimally a good Tampa bar...

    After my month long stay in Trampa, and hittin most of the other bars and not being impressed, I adopted this bar and wish i had found it sooner, I went here about 12 times before leaving town. The bar is nice, really nice, great decor, two bars, lots of seating around the bar or you can sit at the tables or sofas, All the bartenders (except one) were extremely friendly and helpful. I think the clientele is the best part though, this bar had that right crowd, clean and goodlooking but not snobby and stuck up, i met some really good people to just hang out with and I never had to go home alone unless I chose to. It seems to always have a crowd too, even earlier in the day when I go out (usually start after work around 5pm) I will definitly hang out here next time I come through Trampa...

    justinboyd reviewed Georgie's Alibi
    Over a year ago

    Typical...but not good.

    I was in Tampa for one month, I went here cause I heard it was good, the bartenders flirted with me long enough to figure out I wasn't putting out and then ignored me and most of the people around me the rest of the night. It's filled with 80% of pretentious queens in their 40's trying to look like they are in their 30's and failing, who think "it's the place to go" but it's not. I went back a second time before I left because a friend wanted to go thought maybe I just caught it on a bad night but no, it was basically the same, walk from one side to another, stand pose, walk back. wouldn't go back when I pass back through.