
80. I'm the retired Chairman & CEO of a major, international, hospitality management consultancy, who's been intimately involved in the hotel, bar, club & restauant industry for more than thirty years, but, now I'm taking time out to enjoy the fruits of other people's very, hard work. I travel a lot, and try to appreciate the incredible industry I've been a part of for so long. I'm healthy & fit for a 65 year old, gay, senior citizen.

Las Vegas, Nevada
Joined Aug 2007
    BristowNorwich reviewed City of Quebec
    Over a year ago

    I've enjoyed it before, and I enjoy it now

    Now that I have fully retired from active business, I've returned to Europe for something of a farewell tour. I've been in Britian very, very many times over the last 20 years, and I've never felt the slightest inhabitation in where I went, and what I did. Well, that has changed a bit. Now, that I sucessfully progressed into senior citizenhood, I've become a little more circumspect as to where I go, and what I do. For the novice, gay American, Europe, in general, and Britian, in particular, can be a tad unsettleling place. They are like us, but not really. Their perspectives, attitudes, and general outlook, is not really what many Americans are looking for. This is particularly true for older, gay Americans. Gay sex life in Europe & Britian has always had a few rougher edges than many Americans are used to. For the young people, this is hardly ever a concern, but for older people, traveling alone, it can be. But, enough perspective, I highly recommend the City of Quebec to alley any inhibititions. Firstly, you should start-out your evening in London, at the Quebec. Actually, you might never end up having a night out, for you might stay the whole evening. It's always a good thing to let the barman (bartender) know that you are an American (except, of course, if the current politics are such that you want to be a Canadian) But, be forewarned, the Brits can tell when a Canadian has a southern accent. It sounds silly, but it's true. They love us, but only on occasion. The barmen are used to dealing with international clientele, and will look out for you. But, If you are a man like me, who loves sitimulating conversation that doesn't always revolve around sex, or sexual or political positions, or such, you'll have a wonderful evening. You might even run into one of those English gentlemen, they make movies about. I've never not had a wonderful evening. I've always felt safe, and the young people are not only decorative, but, also, discreet, and entertaining. In short, I've always had a great time.

    BristowNorwich reviewed Saint Felix
    Over a year ago


    I was leaving the Abbey, crossing Santa Monica - I turned east, and within (seeminly) a couple of steps, I was in a place I'd never been in before. I've openly admitted before, in my reviews, that I am a "man of a certain age", but I flatter myself that I'm not stupid, but, again, there are times when I don't always know where I am. This was one of those times. I "arrived" in the middle of this delightful little place, where the phrase "be kind to strangers" apparently has meaning. I was taken in, as if I'd never left. I could only stay for a drink, but I was treated so graciously, and with so little WeHo "hauteur", that I was trying to figure out why I had to leave. I didn't have time to explore all the possibilities of St. Felix, but I will be back, and I will.

    BristowNorwich reviewed Tavern first review First to Review
    Over a year ago


    I loved this place, so much so I went back three different nights. It was near my hotel, the Angeleno, and it's fine place to spend an evening with good food, and even better conversation. Now I will say that it's very much a metrosexual kind of place. But, if you're young, affuent, and beautiful, or want to be around such people, this is the place for you. It has that sophisticated, Brentwood/BelAir breeziness to it, and they have obviously put alot of effort into refining the ambience, and I think it works very well. It is expensive, and it's not cruisy, but it is fun.

    BristowNorwich reviewed Twin Peaks Tavern
    Over a year ago


    For gentlemen of certain age, we've known about the Twin Peaks bar virturally all our lives. It was, it is, and it will remine wonderful. There isn't much to it, a vintage bar space, an upper loft, that it. But, so many wonderful gentlemen and Ladies have sat before those wide windows, and seen their generations go by, some with indifference, some with nostalgia, some with pride. Anyway you look at it, the Twin Peaks have been at the nexus of our social evolement, whether it be in the Village, or WeHo, etc., all come together at those wide windows. I'm glad I am here it see them, and I glad I was around when they went up.

    BristowNorwich reviewed Good Friends Bar
    Over a year ago

    A Place Where Everyone Cleans Up Nicely!

    I lived in New Orleans when the Good Friends opened in 88-89', and I enjoyed it immensely, because it was a gay bar where grownups could go and have a delightful happy hour. I admit I haven't been back to the City, until recently, since long after Katrina, and I really didn't know what to expect. But, when I recently arrived for early happy hour, I was taken aback, except for a few cosmetic change over the years, the bar was essentially as I remember it. The staff (which is the most important element of any bar) was on the ball & looking very nice indeed. And, the clientete was cleaned up, as well. I enjoyed my self wonderfully for the next 3 hours. Then I, in good "New'lans'" fashion, mosied on down to the "Pub", and beyond. This, until I hit my room at the Monteleone (another great tradition). I once knew a teetoteller, who lived in my building in the GD, so far as I know the man never left his apartment. In NO, what's a teetoller to do? It's all very sad to contemplate.. New Orleans, in general & the Quarter, in particular, are a precious jewels in the cultural & economic life of our country, and every effort should be made to help rehabilitate one of America's great treasures.

    BristowNorwich reviewed Trunks
    Over a year ago

    Oh, this is Teriffic "Cheers" Kind of Place!!

    Everytime I'm in West Hollywood, I drop in at Trunks, and have always been greeted by a hearty "Hi! Can I help you?", and a convivial environment. Trunks isn't much, it don't have a lot of stuff, or ambience. But, what it does have is a staff, and clientele who give the impression, at least, that they are sincerely glad to meet you, and is there anything we can get you, otherwise, please, just hang out. Sometimes, the WeHo experience can get a little intense, and Trunks is just the place to relieve that stress. Not much happens, there's no dancing, or much crusing, for that matter. It's just a neat place to calm down for awhile, which for busy guys is a rarity - a simple, uncomplicated good time. I enjoy Trunks immensely.

    BristowNorwich reviewed Hotel Monteleone
    Over a year ago

    There is More to the Quarter Than Meets the Eye.

    As I have previously mentioned, in other reviews, I lived in New Orleans in the late 80's (in the GD). My intention was to have my company purchase a restaurant & bar in the Quarter. As I was not prepared to have the negotiations at my home, I arranged to have all the discussions transpire at the only place that was suitable for talks about food & drink & plaster & gutters - The Monteleone Hotel. I can remember clearly how convivial these discussion were between me, the city (who were very please that someone else was picking up the tap), and the old landlords (ditto). Our discussion went very well (free booze is a wonderful thing). Ultimately, the deal fell through because of circumstances unknown, and beyond, all of our knowledge. But, I digress, this is a review of the Monteleone Hotel. If you are going to do anything of importance, or value, in New Orleans, do it at the Monteleone. The Monteleone is prevaded with the sweet scent of decay; of having done this a thousands times; of wheelling & dealing over a 100 years. If you're a businessman, or a lover, do your business in a place that has the history; the ambience; the rep, to give your moment it's true importance. The Monteleone is such a place. Drink at the same bar where Williams, and Faulkner slammed them down. (Well, maybe not Williams, he sipped his, but Faulkner sure did). Do love & business with panache, and the Carousel Lounge is as good a place as any in the world, to do it. But, this is my past, in the recent (post Katrina) months, I've returned to New Orleans, and thought about what I would see. My old house was a little beaten up, but the Quarter looked OK, and the Monteleone (where I stayed) looked it's regal self. In times of trouble & uncertaincy neighbors look to stability, and in the Quarter, the Hotel Monteleone, filled that roll. No G/D storm was going to take out this Lady, or her neighbors, Ever!! The Monteleone is not just at steely, but, gentleel symbol, a heroine of the new New Orleans, but also marveleous place to stay.

    BristowNorwich reviewed Bourbon Pub Parade
    Over a year ago


    I make no apologies for the fact that I am a gay man of a certain age. That has obvious disadvantages in the "only young people matter" gay mindset, but I'm not offended, as I thought the same way in my day. Being older (and also a survivor) does, however, gives me certain privileges, and, most of all, perspective. From 88' to 90', I lived in New Orleans (in the GD), and spent alot of time in the Quarter, and there were a number of bars, restuarants, and other unmemtionalbes, that I frequented, with the Bourbon Pub, being the nexus, and center of all my activities. I would branch out from the Pub all over the Quarter. It may be just me, but I have an inclination to space, and the Pub provided space. You could walk around the bar, and have three different conversation going on, all at the same time. The Pub is set up for conversation, it's hard to just sit on a stool at 11:00 AM, and not want to talk. The action, surprisingly, is organizied around people speaking to people. And, of course, with all the video screen about, the excuse is even evident. But, of course, these are all remembrances of the good days, before Katrina, when everything changed. I returned to New Orleans, for the first time, on business some weeks back, and I was pleased that the Pub, was still there, doing what it has always done for generations - giving the Quarter a focus, and an excuse for a very good time. Be it during the day (for the older men), or in the evening (for the young people), the Bourbon Pub has always given the (gay) Quarter it's gentle center. The one thing that is so neat about the Quarter, is that you can just get up an walk around. In this, the Quarter is very much like it's Parisian mentors, you just move from cafe to cafe, and back again. The Pub has changed a little, and yet, it has remain exactly what it is - a Place for a Very Good Time.

    BristowNorwich reviewed Midnight Sun
    Over a year ago

    Was Great Before, Is Great Now, and Will Always Be

    I have to confess, I'm a man of a certain age, but, I have tried, as best I can to keep it all together. Everytime I'm in the City, and I hang out for a while at the MS. I remember when it was on Castro back in the 70's, and now on 18th, the genre has changed, but not it's over all good feel. For the young people who come home from downtown, the MS is a terrific haven for happy hour. For me it's wonderful to be surrounded by hot, intelligent, well-kept young people. For people watching it may not be the most comfortable, but it is exciting, and that's a good thing. Plus, the staff is as attractive & engaging as it's clientele, and that is always a very good thing. Frankly, staffing is the most important attribute a successful bar, and the MS has it.

    BristowNorwich reviewed Badlands
    Over a year ago

    Always Been A Neat Place to Spend A Lot of Time

    I've been going to the Badlands for a very long time, and it's always been a neat place, I think, mostly, because it has room. It's one of the few bars in the Castro that has a good deal of space. Of course, late in the evening all that advantage goes away. But, I've always had a fine time there, both in the afternoon, and at night.