

Joined Dec 2008
    Babydaddy12 reviewed Hydrate Nightclub
    Over a year ago

    Like it says SKIP IT

    Without a doubt this is the least friendly place in all of boystown. The staff feels that they are better looking and just all around better than us patrons. The drinks are expensive, theres a cover after 12 on the weekends, and don't expect to leave with your same level of hearing since its just way too loud. Sometimes they have drag queens which I dislike but a few weeks ago they had go-go dancers that couldn't have looked more bored, why bother? None of my friends will go there and after visiting a few weeks ago and last Saturday I understand why.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Aqua Nightclub
    Over a year ago


    Maybe I just hit a bad Saturday or something but it was dead. I hate bad or non-caring service and this place seemed to excel at both. I realize that when a place is dead the staff isn't happy as the tips aren't rolling in. One would think that the bartenders would try and engage the few patrons they have in conversation in order to keep them there and generate larger tips but these boys don't subscribe to this school of thought. Drinks expensive, cover of $5.00 for what? Don't bother unless its busy and you don't have to deal with the staff.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Boardwalk
    Over a year ago

    Uhhhh....No thanks.

    Just don't even bother. Why on earth would I pay for some boy to wave his ass in my face or bounce on my lap with his clothes on? If I'm paying, that boy will be hotter than these and naked! Its not my taste and I think it's a ripoff, a cover charge to get hustled? Not for me.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Georgie's Alibi Monkey Bar
    Over a year ago

    Skip it, you won't miss anything.

    I seriously felt like I was back in high school. Very cliqueish and people who thought think they are better than everyone else because they have their friends there to back them up. I'm not in perfect shape and I'm over 35 so clearly I couldn't be a member of this country Funny thing, once I left and walked to my car I suddenly became very attractive to these bois....seems a lexus will do that to ' Go to Bill's and then to dance at Boom and I promise you'll have a much better time.

    Saturdays are FUN!

    Loved Saturday night at Boom, fun crowd, good drinks, and excellent mixes. I'm a big fan of old and new music being mixed and when I hear Miles Away, Get Into the Groove, and Four Minutes all mixed together, its just HOT!

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Savoy Orlando
    Over a year ago

    Loves it!

    Went there last night (Monday) and the people couldn't have been nicer. Was a bit thrown by the bartender in his underwear, haven't been to a bar offering that Very nice guy I think his name is Simon, couldn't have been more attentive for being as busy as he was. Monday is karaoke night, not unlike other cities one quickly learns that the same six people sing the same songs week after week but for me it was new and Dame Edna is one crazy queen! Everyone seemed friendly, the crowd was mixed age and body type and the whole place was laid back. I had a great time and highly recommend it to everyone!

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Blake's On The Park
    Over a year ago

    Loves it!

    Went to Blakes on Friday and Saturday night. I'm not a fan of drag, sorry, I don't see why were tipping guys to dress up for halloween, thats a talent? So with that said I kind of enjoyed the drag shows. The drinks are strong, guys are hot, and amazingly people talk to you. Had a great time! I'm from Chicago so gay bars are all over my area and for me to frequent the same place 2 nites in a row rather than bounce bar to bar means its a great place.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Halsted's Bar and Grill
    Over a year ago

    I disagree..........

    with the previous review. I have never had a bad meal at Halsted's. The bar is nice and the patio is awesome on a summer evening. I enjoy the banter with the bartenders who are always cute and sarcastic, just the way I like 'em. I hit this place about twice a month.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Bobby Love's first review First to Review
    Over a year ago

    Ok place, stop if you have time.

    I prefer North End next door, easily my favorite bar for the staff and the clientel and I dislike sports. Bobby's has its own charm and it does a decent business but the bartendees tend to be curt and that is a huge turn off to me. They do have large drinks for the price and they do always seem to be strong so if thats what your after stop by.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Shakers on Clark
    Over a year ago

    Nice place.

    Don't have too many here the bathrooms are in the basement and when intoxicated stairs are not friends. They have a show on Thursdays with some half baked queen as a headliner, but the back up singers, the girl in particular are really good.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Sidetrack
    Over a year ago

    If they had seven stars I'd give it to Sidetrack

    Love, love, love Sidetrack! Great set up, they're expanding soon, good drinks, and friendly staff, what more can you ask for? Oh, hot guys too! I always have a great time here.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Scarlet Bar
    Over a year ago

    It's ok.

    It seems that this strip from Steamworks to Roscoes is full of duds. This bar is small and has changed completely from what the other review here describes. I never went to Gentry here only Scarlett. Visit and make your own decision, I'm over it.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Roscoe's Tavern
    Over a year ago

    The worst floor plan of any bar anywhere!

    Sorry guys, they make it so difficult to move around, don't bother. The sidewalk cafe in the summer is nice, the food leaves much to be desired but the people watching is good. This would be the other bar I dislike in town, there are only 2 so this is quite an honor - lol.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Minibar Ultra Lounge & Cafe
    Over a year ago

    Minibar is an understatement!

    The staff makes all the difference for me and the staff here seems to think they are better than the rest of us mere mortals. I won't go back, the upside is when they move the 2 bars I most dislike will be next to each other so I can just skip that section.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed Lucky Horseshoe Lounge
    Over a year ago

    Don't bother!

    There is one nice bartender and whole lot of strippers that think they are all that and they so arent! Oddly, the gent that owns my fav bar also owns this joint. Can't win 'em all i guess.

    Babydaddy12 reviewed The North End
    Over a year ago

    So much fun and the staff is AMAZING!

    I've never been to this end of the stip before and this instantly became my new favorite bar. The bartenders are super sweet and cater to all clients. The guy we had, Tom I think, couldn't have been nicer, he gave us a full boystown review with a droll sense of sexiness. I would recommend this to everyone!