It’s once again that time of year when 80,000 freaks and geeks from across the globe converge on the Black Rock Desert of Nevada for Burning Man. A radically expressive amalgam of counter-culture, this ephemeral city functions as a funhouse mirror to the mainstream metropolises of the default world. Nested within the dusted dreamscape of Burning Man’s Black Rock City, among the fire-spewing cephalopod robots and art cars, are civic touchstones such as a post office, spiritual centers, and even gayborhoods.
Like their default world analogs of the Castro, Hell’s Kitchen, and West Hollywood, the gayborhoods of Burning Man offer their LGBTQ+ communities athletic centers, dive bars, cultural gatherings, and wild parties.
In the spirit of gifting, one of Burning Man’s core principles, we’ve compiled this list of the top ten gayest events at this year’s Burn…