Hosted down the block from the iconic Black Cat Tavern, this infamous street fair celebrates Queer Pride, community, and most notably, kink. So multimedia journalist Mike Ciriaco put on his best leathers and headed east to snatch some sweet shots of the hottest hunks, tastiest twinks, and fiercest fetishists Off Sunset had to offer.
For our readers who haven’t been yet, what can they expect from Hot Dog?
“I’m thrilled to announce The return of Hot Dog. This was a queer party I did here in LA some 15 years ago. More people have asked me to bring back Hot Dog over the years than any other party I’ve ever done. So I figured what better time than now to do it. We all have nostalgia and are longing for those great times in our LA past. I’m holding Hot Dog every Sunday at Hollywood’s iconic El Cid on Sunset. This time Hot Dog is a “Plump ‘n’ Juicy” Beer Bust & Tea Dance. This means we’re going all day and night… from 4 pm until 2 am every week. Hot Dog has always been a very inclusive party with sexy go-go boys as well as cis and trans girls dancers. Something for everyone…even a go-go puppet! I’m also bringing back my party Full Frontal Disco every first Saturday of the month at Akbar starting in August. As you probably know, Akbar is Silverlake’s queer home away from home. A queer institution.”
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