Out on the club scene with DJ Roland Belmares


winenothate: And the New England guys? How do they measure up to the other crowds you play?

DJRoland8780: Oh, the East Coast boys are still the best die hards when it comes to their music! Don’t get me wrong–all the boys I play for love the music, but the East Coast just turns it out like no other, always have and my guess is they always will.

winenothate: If you had to choose three clubs in the world to just go dance, not spin, what would they be?

DJRoland8780: One would be Crobar in Miami, another would be Arc in Sydney and then probably Heaven in London.

winenothate: Everyone wants to get into Heaven! Speaking of, it just donned on me that the last time we talked, you were spinning Manhunt’s Seven Sexy Sins party in Boston and all those porn stars were on hand. I imagine you see a lot of them in your travels–is it hard to concentrate during those gigs?

DJRoland8780: Well, it depends on the porn stars.

winenothate: Do you have a favorite?

DJRoland8780: A lot of them are friends, so it’s hard to think of them that way. But, if I had to pick one…

winenothate: You do.

DJRoland8780: I love Chris Wide, but he’s my sistah!

winenothate: Heh. Aren’t they all! So, onto more heady things, and, by that I mean more cerebral … have you finished your college courses? You were working towards a degree in music production when we spoke last, no?

DJRoland8780: I am still in school. I have to go part time because of all my travels. I actually start back next Monday. Intro to Psych! LOL

winenothate: That should help in understanding the complicated mind of the shameless porn star… or the frenetic DJ!

DJRoland8780: But yeah, I’m studying music production as well as working toward a degree in graphic design.

winenothate: Busy boy – last year alone, you released Global Groove 2, Blue Ball 5, and One Mighty Weekend–am I missing anything?

DJRoland8780: I did just do the “One Might Weekend” CD for Gay Days in Orlando. It was a unique project in that they asked me to include some classic tracks, so the music is mix of new and older songs. It’s up on Itunes and Amazon! *insert shameless plug here* LOL

winenothate: Insertion noted. Did that track with Charo ever work out? *insert coochee coochee coo here *

DJRoland8780: Oh yeah, that is also on Itunes, “Espana Cani,” The Belmares & Barona Mix. I think it did quite well for an instrumental track!

winenothate: I need to listen to it – I’ve been delinquent. How about some not-to-be-missed gigs you’re playing this fall?

DJRoland8780: So far my most anticipated gig is going to be the Halloween event in New Orleans. I’ve also booked in Vancouver for New Years!

winenothate: Now the burning question: do you EVER sleep?

DJRoland8780: Hmmm, now that’s a really hard one!! Honestly, my time during the week is quite boring and “normal.”

winenothate: Minus all those porn star friends you chum around with …

DJRoland8780: LOL

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