Palm Spring’s White Party Recap

Like a freight train picking up steam, the annual Palm Spring‘s White Party built steadily toward a fabulous Sunday dance climax, culminating in a perfect evening of sweaty fun.

The party weekend got off to a sluggish start, however. The boys arriving early were greeted with temperatures that made a Friday afternoon Speedo tanning a chilly, goosebumped challenge. The upside of the poor weather was that it made the underwear party that night friskier than ever inside the Renaissance Hotel ballroom.

Temperatures inched up Saturday, enough so that decent crowds showed up for the official pool party at the Renaissance and the new hot ticket of the White Party weekend: the Saturday pool party at the uber-hip Ace Hotel. Plenty of posing was to be witnessed there.

A sea of white washed over the Palm Springs Convention Center on Saturday night for the signature White Party. The masses greeted Swedish sensation Robyn with a rapturous ovation as she opened with her smash Dancing on My Own. Robyn did a little crowd diving (remarkably, the boys managed to catch her) during the number but killed the buzz during slower songs. Even so, she was a worthy headliner, following in the august footsteps of last year’s Ke$ha and the previous year’s Lady Gaga.

The best was saved for last on Sunday thanks to the arrival of a heat wave and the sense of exhausted jubilation that always arrives on the last day. The Freemasons played a veritable hit parade that had the boys sweating all over the dance floor between energetic performances of Love Boat vixen Charo and the up-and-coming Alexis Jordan.

Speaking of sweating, DJs Rosabel played a set at the closing party that nearly brought down the Renaissance roof from the exuberant beat of the tireless throngs who survived the party weekend.

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