Holiday Shopping Drag Bag: SF’s Lady Bear

GayCities New York editor JJ Keyes surveyed America’s top drag queens to get a fix on their xmas gift wish list. San Francisco’s Lady Bear, spotted monthly as den mother at LA’s Cub Scout, is the first in the series of diva dishes.

Lady Bear’s Drag Bag:

1. A “Rude Boy” from Good Vibrations on Valencia Street in San Francisco because…..well, I consider it a beauty treatment. It’s been scientifically proven that having good orgasms promotes good skin, muscle tone & mood. (p.s.-Don’t judge me, bitch.)

2. The Ab Fab “Absolutely Everything” box set at Streetlight Records. Watching this series was basically my introduction to gay adult life (mine anyway). Always good to get back to basics.

3. Wigs, wigs, wigs! From Retrofit Vintage at 21st &  Valencia. Proprietress Steven LeMay knows just how I like them!

4. Urban decay makeup–all of it! Just the tranny colors, though. Please no mauve’s or earthtones… booooring!

5. A nice big gift card to! Thats right bitches Torrid! I like to call it “Fredericks for Fat Girls”, and I always find a few retarded gems amongst the apron swing tops and Gaucho pants… I mean who wouldn’t a “Wonder Woman/Superhero Bustier and Bra set” in size 22!

For more San Francisco holiday shopping ideas, check out our guide

Photos courtesy Lady Bear

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