PHOTOS: The World’s 10 Best Gay Beaches 2014

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Maspalomas, Gran Canaria

It may not be well known to many gay Americans, but for Europeans, Gran Canaria is beach nirvana. Part of Spain but so far south that it actually straddles the bottom of Morocco’s coast, Gran Canaria is the most popular of the Canary Islands, and Maspalomas is gay central, especially in the Playa del Inglés area. The dunes at Maspalomas are famously gorgeous and cruisy, and the nearby golden sand beach – especially around Kiosk 7 – is filled with gays from across the continent.

What’s more, a brand new Axel Hotel recently opened in Maspalomas.

Maspalomas Photo Credit: Michael Solmi


Photos by superbobbie, Michele Solmi, & Ernesto Sarezale

Next up: Sydney’s North Bondi

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