

Joined May 2009
    YankeeDoodle reviewed Barracks Bar
    Over a year ago

    In town by yerself?

    Best bet - especially if you're horny. You don't need 9" to score here. Don't expect to meet a gorgeous movie star but there are a few nice lookers most nights. Older guys are "king" here. Lots of daddy adorers. Place is run by a nice bunch of guys. Draft beer is usually cheap.

    YankeeDoodle reviewed Street Bar
    Over a year ago

    Where do these guys meet each other

    A typical PS bar - nothing special. Quite a few good looking older guys but all arrange themselves like circled wagons, not the least bit interested in meeting anybody over 22 years old unlesss they wanta buy coke; and snooty to boot. Waste of time.

    YankeeDoodle reviewed 800LIVE Nightclub and Venue
    Over a year ago

    Skip San Antonio

    Ugly guys - I guess all the good lookers married off or died, or moved; clicky crowd, and who cares. This bar is OK tho' but not worth the trip. Not a single Anglo over 40 with any looks or social skills. Not the SA I remember in the early 80's.