Jon Smyth, 63.
Loved visiting this beach while I was stationed at the Presidio of SF. All varieties of men on the north end near the bridge, with pockets of areas to enjoy them in semi-privately. I especially enjoyed watching the all male nude volleyball!
My husband and I decided to visit after returning from S America. Great gay nude beach and lots of eye candy.
My husband and I went on a weekend and the beach was packed with families. There were so many people you couldn’t tell who was gay and who were friends just hanging out. One nice thing is they had public bathrooms, but I’m sure that doesn’t stop beach goers from using the ocean as their toilet. Be sure to check the ecoli warnings issued by the county before going into the water.
The north beach used to be exciting, but is now disappointing. They removed the bridge and most of the trees near the beach, the Life Guard stand is gone, and the rates have increased (still free to veterans). We used to be able to see lots of gay couples walking to the area, like guys with crocheted thongs with their balls hanging out, but not any more. Now you have some old women with nothing better to do than be the “prude patrol.” They reported my friend to the Park Ranger for wearing a Speedo! While he is buff and nicely endowed, it wasn’t lewd and nothing was hanging out.