

Joined Jan 2009
    marceltheriault reviewed Aigle Noir
    Over a year ago

    Boycottage du bar?????

    Jocelyn Roy a beau chanter les louanges de son bar l'Aigle Noir, S'il ne règle pas le problème de ses barmans insultants et impolis, son bar est voué à la faillite! De plus en plus on entend des plaintes et les barmans (surtout un certain poilu torse-nu) continuent à insulter et à se moquer de leur clientèle. J'ai visité le bar l'après-midi du 25 mai, 2012, (je m'en rappelle car c'était mon anniversaire) et je souffre encore des commentaires cruels du type derrière le bar. Mes amis veulent monter un boycottage du bar...on verra.

    marceltheriault reviewed Campus
    Over a year ago


    I touched a dancer's chest which happens all the time but this time the dancer wanted me to take him in the back. When I said maybe later he took my glasses (without which I am blind) and wouldn't give them back if I didn't give him $6.00. I was panicking and found six bucks and left the club quickly with my glasses! I still tremble when I think about it!! AVOID THIS PLACE!!