

Savannah, Georgia
Joined Jun 2017

    Uncomfortable acts.

    This review is solely based on our last experience this past weekend. We have been there many times and never felt the need to give any negative feedback because every one has bumps on the road. However, this past Pride 2017 Sunday Pool Party was particularly upsetting, and made a lot of us uncomfortable; so many so, that sparked the cafe guy from coming out to the edge of the pool and yell at all present (apparently many voiced their opinions to him) something I rather not post here in public. The problem many of us had, wasn't the fact there were women in the pool because we were all aware that is was Pride and it was announced as Co-Ed; the issue we tried to address, and that it made us uncomfortable, was the fact that there were sexual acts performed by member of the opposite sex in the pool (details spared). We were also told that women were allowed once a year in the pool, which we know it happens to not be true because this is our first Pride, and last year at a different event they were present as well. This is not because there were women there, but because that information is untrue. Many of us who come to P. House, come to be ourselves, and be free from the outside world constrains, and some only have, maybe, this one time a year to enjoy a true LGBT life, and having those opposite sex performance displays in public and in the pool, really put a damper on a fun Sunday we were all having, and for the that reason alone, I have given a 3 Star review.