

Joined Oct 2009
1 Following
    Mr360DL reviewed The Honey Pot
    Over a year ago

    Don't Be Tardy for Their Party

    Reviews are meant to be helpful to others so I'll try to keep this factual and in no way related solely to my opinion. While the club itself is nice and the people that go here are pretty fun to hang out with, there seems to be some 'cover fixing' that goes on at this bar. It's not NYC yet a line has to be formed for a 10:00 pm entry that has no alleged cover before 10:30. Problem is that the doors don't open until 10:10 (late) and those stuck in the queue past the first 20 people or so, are forced to pay a cover. We know this because we wasted an hour of our time - from 9:30 to 10:30 in a line that did not move Friday night. Never again. It appears that the people at the door checking id's will go deliberately slow and thus force the large majority of people waiting in line to arrive at the door past 10:30 - invoking the cover. Just seems shady for a merely ok experience. This club is certainly not worth the cover or the wasted hour or more in line that you may experience. The steam has cooled and the pot definitely isn't sweet as honey...just saying.