

Joined Sep 2010
    JohnK reviewed The Cock
    Over a year ago

    Thanks for the memories

    I will remember my weekend trip to New York for a long time due to my visit at the Cock. Too bad they don't make gay bars like this back in Ohio. Sleazy, up to a point, and very fun.

    JohnK reviewed Ty's Bar NYC
    Over a year ago

    Refreshing change

    On a recent trip to Manhattan, I had the very good fortune of hearing about this bar, and I was not disappointed. I wish there were bars like this back where I live. A crowd of real, regular guys, without pretension, stupidity, or nonsense. How refreshing for a gay bar.

    JohnK reviewed Roseto Club first review First to Review
    Over a year ago

    Didn't this place close?

    If not, it is hard-core lez, or at least used to be.

    JohnK reviewed Cocktails Akron 2.0
    Over a year ago

    All talk, no s/m

    I doubt that "everyone talks to all who enter," but fun is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. Besides the fun of driving at night to a dangerous location (big surprise for a gay bar in Akron or Cleveland), the customers seemed normal, but that doesn't mean they were any fun. Every "man's" bar is essentially a hang-out for senior citizens and social misfits of all ages. They were some men in leather gear, but no "action." The men mostly stood around and talked, and the bartender was not especially friendly either. Maybe Daddys/Cocktails is fun if you go with a group of friends (but then you aren't meeting new people anyway), but if you go by yourself, don't expect any warm welcome unless you're some sort of huge leather god or something. I guess regular guys (those whose masculinity is not entirely dependent on leather) are not desired.

    JohnK reviewed Angel Falls Coffee Company
    Over a year ago

    Too bright, too shiny

    Really on the fem side, which is not bad if you are fem or like fems. But as a man I felt a little out of place surrounded by "sophisticated" gentlemen, as we used to say where I grew up. To be honest, I'd rather go to Starbucks.

    JohnK reviewed The Interbelt
    Over a year ago

    Thank goodness I'm not a twink

    Seen better days, no doubt. The classic college twink hangout, with old men to leer at them. More masculine men would not be could dead in this place. The surrounding area is very seedy, on the edge of downtown in an isolated spot. The parking lot is also dangerous in appearance, as the surroundings are not well lighted and the lot leads into the woods down an alley from the club. Notorious, at least it used to be, for bathroom sex, but the "men" are so young-looking, I wouldn't even check it out. The music sucks big time. The drinks are blah. And the drag shows are stupid. No reason to go ever again.

    JohnK reviewed Square
    Over a year ago

    What's all the fuss about?

    All fuss, no fuck. Ha ha. Sorry, but Square is for squares. Last time I went the bartender was chatting up his friend/and or potential trick, and could not be bothered to attend to patrons. Piped music was irritating generic techno crap, most guys sat quietly sipping their drinks, and I wondered why I was there in the first place. This bar is supposed to be the most happening spot in gay Akron. Ok, what am I missing? Why are Cleveland and Akron so lame when the gay communities are so large here? Maybe one day we can have some fun, decent clubs.

    JohnK reviewed Tear-Ez
    Over a year ago

    Blew me a bad way

    I went to college in Akron, so I had more or less fun recollections. Recently went over to check things out- bored with Cleveland- and was sorry I went. I admit I'm not the hottest guy in the world, but I'm not dogmeat either, yet the bartender was cold and none of the customers would give me the time of day. They had a lame ass game show on the tv, and out of sheer boredom, I played the jukebox (just regular gay dance songs) and a handful of guys actually got up and went outside to smoke as soon as my songs started- I guess that was their way of telling me I wasn't wanted. I tried to strike up a conversation with a guy a barstool over, but he was engrossed in the above mentioned game show. I can't believe guys call this bar the most fun place in Akron. It's strictly for trolls, old men, and guys without a social life. A sad day for Tearez.

    JohnK reviewed The Hawk
    Over a year ago

    It is What it Is

    Heard some really good things about the Hawk: butch men, "straight" guys, college men, bears, and other fun types. Our experience was somewhat different, sadly. Tuesday night was lively for a short time, then rapidly cleared. Some awful music on the jukebox and unfriendly customers. Everyone says that Bartender Chris is the reason to go on Thursdays. Who knows. But judging by Tuesday night, it doesn't seem promising. One highlight, we struck up a conversation with a young shaved head guy with a nazi fetish but the incoming crowd of queens scared him away. What might have been...? A mixed bag, but willing to give it another chance.

    JohnK reviewed AWOL
    Over a year ago

    Fun time

    Had fun. Will go back next time in Columbus.